To me beauty is one of the clearest proofs of God’s existence.
Take an example: The light poured into my living room through the floor to ceiling balcony windows. Dust particles danced in the shafts that ended at the deep maroon velvet draping the chair across from me. I caught my breath at the beauty, mesmerized by the glistening folds, the colour so deep and vibrant I couldn’t look away. And maroon isn’t even on my list of favourite colours. But I was taken in by it, surprised by its power as it took over my awareness, all my visual senses focused on it. I couldn’t help but worship – not the colour but the One who made it possible.
That moment, captured in my memory, captivates me still.
What is it about beauty?
Why is there even such a thing as beauty?
And why do we have the capability to perceive it, let alone embrace and treasure it?
Beauty serves no ‘evolutionary’ purpose (for those who believe in that). It has nothing to do with the vaunted ‘survival of the species.’ In fact, it seems more capable of being a distraction to said survival. So, why?
In my opinion it is evidence that, behind this physical world our bodies occupy, is Someone who loves Beauty, Someone who created it and wanted to share it. (See my short story “Colours of Life” )
So He gave us the qualities – part of His image in us – that enable us to enjoy so many different forms of beauty they’re impossible to enumerate. He gave us the capacity to perceive beauty, to get caught up in beauty’s glory, to be surprised by the wonder of it.
And He put in us a spirit that, enlivened by Beauty, desires to worship the One Who is the most Beautiful of all creation’s Beauties.
For my part, I am grateful.