Did He say, when contemplating Incarnation,
“Father, I go, of My own will, true.
Yet I cannot help feel that You send Me away.”
Did He, perhaps, ask,
“When I wake, Father, all hemmed about with finitude,
my infinity contained in an infant body, will I know You?
Will I remember?
Remember the stars I made so carefully and hung
artistically in unmeasured space?
Remember creating, with You, this Earth from a void, and gifting it with life?
Will I remember Our, ’til now, unbroken intimacy?
Our eons of knowing and being known?
Could my tiny human soul contain the whole of what We have been?
Or, when I wake, new-born into Our greatest creation as one of its least, will I only feel the emptiness of My ended unendlessness?
and yearn with nameless longing for You who have always filled My unbounded being? … ’til now.
Will I be, as human, separate from You as they are;
cut off? unwhole?
Will I be, as God, restricted, constrained,… crippled in My power, My vision, My love?”
Did He wonder,
“Father, as a babe, how will I know You?
How will I learn to encase Your incomprehensible love in
narrow, comprehensible language and action?
How will I endure Our separateness, Our sudden difference, when I am there, I alone in all eternity the solitarily Divine and human?
Father, are there no answers to questions never before asked
in all of time?”
Did He say,
“Father, You gift them with My pain; with My life of solitude,
unique in history, to bring them to You.
You gift them with My learning their hatred, their fear —
for they will run from My difference,
hate My challenge,
fear My love.
You gift them with My sorrow, My rejection and betrayal, and
My anguish.
Father, gift Me now, as I go, with Your presence.
Gift Me with parents who will bring My young, finite mind to know You,
who will, in loving Me, dissolve the line separating Us,
infinite and finite, that I may relearn our Oneness.”
And did He say,
“Father, I go now, to Mary and Joseph whom We have so carefully chosen,
to live there as one of them,
to love,
to learn,
to grow,
to be God incarnate for them
the Divine enfleshed,
that they might catch just a glimpse, of the Unknowable;
of You.
Father, help Me now, as I go into this incredible adventure.
Keep Me close to You, as always.
Hold Me, as always, in Your strong, eternal arms.
Guide Me, as ever, with Your immense wisdom.
And keep strong within Me Our purpose.
Father, gift them with Me …
with You.”
And could He have said, there at the last,
“I am ready now, Daddy. I go willingly.
Shrink Me down,
limit My limitlessness,
contain My immeasurability,
tenderly, Daddy,
gently, as is Your way.
Daddy, I love You.
Daddy, I go.”
And next was heard, amid angels rejoicing, a tiny baby’s cry.
13 Responses
Very touching
Blessing upon you
Thank you my friend.
Loved the reflection , the pondering …
Such a profound , Divine plan expressed !
Thank you
Judy K
Thank you, Judy.
Awesome! Love it and want it to flow through the internet and touch hearts.
Thanks. I’d love for that to happen, too.
Beautiful, simply beautiful thoughts to absorb and meditate on,
Thank you
Thank you!
This is incredible! I have often wondered, too, but have never thought deeply about the implications, thinking a possible scenario was far beyond even imagination. You’ve gone deep! You contemplated. You imagined. You saw so many facets. I’ll just say the physical thrill I felt mounting up as I read on, exploded at the end in tears.
Thank you Angela!
So glad it touched you. Amazing to contemplate what He did for us.
That’s beautiful…praise God!
Yes. He is kind.
Thank you.